Monday, February 7, 2011

Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 8 February

7th February 2011

It’s more than a game, it’s your life – that’s the message to youngsters as South Yorkshire Police gives its support to Safer Internet Day.

Most children and young people growing up today experience the Internet in a positive and creative way. With over 500 million active users of Facebook and over 13 million players of online games such as World of Warcraft, the Internet has become a place for learning, playing and socialising.

Unfortunately, the internet can also be used negatively for bullying or threatening behaviour. This is why South Yorkshire Police (SYP) is supporting the '2011 Safer Internet Day’, which will take place on Tuesday 8th February across the country.

The ‘Safer Internet Day’ is organised by INSAFE, who promote safe, responsible use of the Internet and mobile devices to young people and the message this year is ‘it’s more than a game, it’s your life’.

Children and Young People's Officers will be visiting local schools to deliver Internet safety advice to young people to help them stay safe while using the Internet for homework, playing games and staying in touch with friends.

Advice from South Yorkshire Police is:

• Never give out personal details over the Internet such as mobile phone numbers.

• If using chat rooms use a nickname to protect your identity.

• Never arrange to meet anyone you have met online.

• Remember, it is not necessary to put your full details on social networking sites such as Facebook and always alter your privacy settings to allow only your friends to view your profile.

• Most importantly, it is vital to report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Police also advise parents to try to keep the computer in a communal area, where you can easily monitor what your children are viewing.

Source: South Yorkshire Police 07/02/11

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