Sunday, December 5, 2010

Portuguese President Cabinet reply to "A Voice for Madeleine" Petition

2 December 2010

Posted by Joana Morais

The email header

Portuguese President Cabinet reply received by email, on December 2, 2010

The email contains a reference text, the petition text in Portuguese and a PDF attachment [see below].

Please find enclosed letter No. 7382 of November 29, 2010.
DSDA - Office of Correspondence of the Portuguese Republic Presidency

Hon. Sir/Madam

I acknowledge the receipt and thank you for sending the exposure made by Your Excellency, requesting the reopening of the case concerning the disappearance of the minor Madeleine McCann.

Albeit understanding the reasons that motivate the referenced exposure, which, in the ambit of principles, reveals a highly commendable concern for the fate of a minor, I hereby inform you, that the matter in question does not fall within the competence of the Portuguese Republic President, a legal and constitutional framework that enshrines the separation of powers, that is, the independence of the

judicial function and the autonomy of the Public Ministry.

Yours sincerely.

The Chief of Staff to the President

José Manuel Nunes Liberato

Petition text [sign here, read here]
Portuguese President Cabinet Reply for Uma Voz para Madeleine Petition
Was it all in vain? I certainly hope not. Joana has stated in the comments on her blog that the petition has already been sent to the Public Ministry, and also to the Ministry of Justice and to the Portuguese Parliament.
Joana, we appreciate your efforts and hope that one day there will be justice for Madeleine McCann, who remains to this day a missing child and look forward with interest to seeing the replies of the other recipients of this petition.

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