Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Missing Zahra Claire Baker

Time was running out Monday in the search for a shy but upbeat 10-year-old whose battles with bone cancer left her with a prosthetic leg and hearing aids in both ears, the police chief said. It's unclear when she was last seen alive.

The father and stepmother of 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker told police that they discovered she was missing on Saturday and that one of them had seen her sleeping in her room hours earlier. Yet Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins cast doubt on their accounts during an afternoon news conference.

He said investigators were having trouble finding anyone else who had seen the home-schooled girl alive in the last few weeks.

"We don't know the last time anyone saw her," he said. "We're having a difficult time establishing a true timeline."

Zahra's father, Adam Baker, said during an earlier TV interview that it was possible his wife could be involved in the disappearance, which was reported hours after a fire in the home's backyard. Elisa Baker was arrested Sunday on about a dozen charges unrelated to the girl's disappearance.


View Zahra's thread on the Find Madeleine forum HERE!

Zahra Clare Baker: Dogs smell human remains at missing girl's home.


1 comment:

merlynsam said...

Twiglet, thanks for this news. It isn't looking good is it? How do any parents not know where their children are? If they are upstairs, you hear little feet do 'pitter patter'. Young children are not usually secretive - if they want to leave, they usually slam the door to send a loud signal.

Prayers for Zahra tonight. May she be watched over wherever she is.